Let’s chat.

I would love to discuss your project

In order to speed up our discussion, please answer the project questionnaire, so that I can get a better idea of how to help you.

Please refer to the How I Work page of the website to learn about my process, and the Services Offered page for descriptions of what the different levels of editing entail.

Still unsure of what you need? Send me a sample of your writing with your questionnaire (no more than 1,000 words, please!), and I’ll make some suggestions.

Thanks for visiting.

Please note: I’ve had some trouble with my emails getting sent to spam or junk mail folders. Please be sure to add my email to your ‘safe senders’ or Whitelist, as applicable to your email system.

Bright Owl Edits
533 Mutual Street, Ottawa, ON, K1K 1C5, Canada
